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Xuemei Sun
Yi Ma


Knowledge has become a core element of enterprises under the knowledge-based business environment, so intellectual capital would positively affect organizational effectiveness. However, most of the past research put attention on the relationship between intellectual capital and organizational performance. Based on the resource-based theory, the present study collected questionnaires and secondary data from 423 managers from 198 listed companies in the service industry in Thailand. Multiple linear regression, hierarchical multiple regression, and confirmation factor analysis of SPSS 23.0 as well as LISREL 10.20 were used to test the effect of intellectual capital on organizational effectiveness. The result showed that the three dimensions of intellectual capital had
a positive effect on organizational effectiveness; besides, structural capital had the highest extent of the effect. In addition, organizational effectiveness could be best explained when the three dimensions
existed in the model simultaneously. The results not only contributed to the studies of intellectual capital and organizational effectiveness, but also had certain suggestions for the improvement of service-oriented listed companies on intellectual capital managing and organizational effectiveness.

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