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Youkai Song
Guiyu Su


This paper analyzed the tourism vocational education policies issued by the central and provincial governments of China since 2011 and constructed a two-dimensional framework which consists of policy tools and objectives using a content analysis method. Furthermore, quantitative analysis was conducted by employing SPSS 26.0. The findings are as follows: 1) The policy objectives of tourism vocational education to facilitate the revitalization of rural areas are focused on industrial and cultural revitalization, talent training, and ecological and organizational revitalization, among which industrial revitalization was found to be the most common objective among the various levels of government; 2) Different policy tools are used with varying frequency: the environmental policy tools are used at a high frequency, while the supply-oriented and demand-oriented policy tools are used insufficiently; 3) to strengthen the coordination of these policy tools, the matching between policy tools and targets must be optimized, and concerted efforts between supply and demand policies should be made; and 4) upgrading the work-stream of rural cultural tourism talents and creation of a talent-friendly environment in rural areas is recommended.

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How to Cite
Song, Y., & Su, G. (2024). THE TOOLS OF TOURISM VOCATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY FOR DRIVING RURAL REVITALIZATION. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 8(1), 210–222. retrieved from
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