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Haidong Sun
Hui-Wen Vivian Tang
Zhu Xuan


This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of papers indexed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of the Web of Science database to gain insights into the relationship between transformational leadership and employee job satisfaction. Utilizing quantitative analysis, it systematically examines the trends, geographical distribution, author collaborations, and evolution of keywords in the relevant literature, revealing the current academic status and developmental trends of transformational leadership’s impact on job satisfaction. The research identifies transformational leadership as a practical approach to enhancing employee potential and job satisfaction. The findings indicate a growing global interest in studying the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction, especially in fields like psychology, management, and human resource management. Additionally, the study observes variations in the impact of transformational leadership on job satisfaction across different cultural backgrounds and industries, suggesting future research should consider more multifaceted factors. This paper summarizes the trajectory and current hotspots of transformational leadership research and provides valuable references for future academic study and practical application by envisioning future research directions. It recommends that future studies explore the varied mechanisms of transformational leadership from a multicultural perspective and focus on the interaction between leadership behavior and individual employee characteristics to enrich and deepen the theoretical foundations and practical applications in this field.

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How to Cite
Sun, H., Vivian Tang, H.-W., & Xuan, . Z. (2024). TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND JOB SATISFACTION: CURRENT STATUS AND TRENDS ANALYSIS OF WOS DATABASE’S SSCI. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 8(1), 85–101. retrieved from
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