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Ningtian Sun


By organizing relevant literature on the cognitive study of Chinese Internet buzzword constructions from 2018 to 2023, this article has selected 21 documents from CNKI, Wanfang data knowledge service platform, and VIP information as subjects for summary. It discusses the current state of research in this field from four dimensions: research subjects and sources, research perspectives, research content and conclusions, and research trends. The study found that research during this period mainly focused on exploring the cognitive mechanisms of specific types of internet slang constructions. Additionally, the primary research process often adopts the perspective of constructional analysis“mini-triangle,”using the decomposable nature of constructions combined with various cognitive theories to explain their cognitive mechanisms and processes and to explore the reasons for their popularity. Moreover, recent years have seen the field’s research gradually transition from unitary theoretical analysis to a more diversified perspective. Finally, considering the characteristics of internet slang constructions and the social cognitive perspective, the author proposes potential future research directions.

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How to Cite
Sun, N. (2024). A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND RESEARCH TRENDS OF COGNITIVE RESEARCH ON CONSTRUCTIONS OF CHINESE INTERNET BUZZWORDS FROM YEAR 2018 TO 2023. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 8(1), 17–33. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CJSSM/article/view/268586
Research Articles


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