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Shangxia Huang
Long Ye


The evaluation index system of university teachers’ scientific research and innovation ability has an important function. Based on the analysis of the elements and influencing factors of Chinese university teachers’ scientific research and innovation ability using the grounded theory in accordance with the design principles of the evaluation index system, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of Chinese university teachers’ scientific research and innovation ability by using the methods of literature review, expert consultation and expert evaluation, as well as the method of combining entropy weight with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to empower the evaluation index of Chinese university teachers scientific research innovation ability. In this paper, SPSS 20 software was used to analyze and compare the data of the questionnaire survey, and statistical analysis was conducted on data from the Compilation of Scientific and Technological Statistics of Colleges and Universities compiled by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in 2020. Following this, the analysis results of these two types of data were integrated to obtain the comparative results on the scientific research and innovation ability of Chinese university teachers at various levels and in different regions. In addition, the reasons for the gap in their scientific research and innovation ability were analyzed. It is suggested that strategies be developed to improve the scientific research and innovation ability of Chinese university teachers in order to formulate and improve the system and policies of the scientific research and innovation of university teachers, as well as increase investment, enhance the environment, attach importance to the cultivation of positive psychological factors, and strengthen the incentives for the scientific research innovation of university teachers. This will promote the effective transformation of the scientific research achievements of university teachers, expand resource sharing, and narrow the regional differences.

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How to Cite
Huang, S., & Ye, L. (2024). THE EVALUATION AND PROMOTION STRATEGY OF CHINESE UNIVERSITY TEACHERS’ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ABILITY. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 8(1), 54–70. retrieved from
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