Main Article Content
In view of the problems existing in the current research on Thai students’ Chinese learning motivation, such as the low level of quantitative research, the outdated theories used, and the lack of reflection and exploration of the theories used, this paper applies the new theory of the second language motivational self system, which is widely used in academic circles at this stage, and constructs and verifies the theoretical hypothesis model on the basis of its fundamental theoretical framework. A questionnaire survey and research on Chinese learning motivation for Thai students was carried out in an attempt to explore and analyze the existing shortcomings of the second language motivational self system theory. The analysis results show that among the variables in this study, “Ideal L2 Self”, “Ought-to L2 Self”, and “Expected Value” all have a significant positive impact on learning motivation. Moreover, “Ideal L2 Self” and “Ought-to L2 Self” have significant positive effects on “Expected Value”, “Expected Value” plays an intermediary role between “Ideal L2 Self” and second language learning motivation and between “Ought-to L2 Self” and second language learning motivation. The experimental results also indicated that self differences can lead to an “inverted U” that regulates the influence of “Ideal L2 Self” and “Ought to L2 Self” on second language learning motivation through “Expected Value”. This study provides contributions to the research on and improvement of the learning motivation of Thai Chinese learners and the improvement and development of the second language motivational self system theory itself.
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