Social Norms and Self-control in Adolescent Smoking Behavior


  • suphanuwong yokutphu royal thai army nursing college
  • Rawadee Jarungrattanapong School of Economics, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi, Thailand 11120


Smoking, Self -control, Nakhon Ratchasima


Cigarette smoking behavior remains a major health problem in many countries including Thailand. Some literature showed that social norms can influence a decision to adolescent smoking. Further, some studies in developed countries found that self-control behavior can also help to reduce the likelihood of smoking behavior. This study tried to test these findings by investigating the factors that influence adolescent smoking behavior. The primary data from a questionnaire collection were used using the purposive sampling method of the 300 individuals in the 2nd Engineer Regiment, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The reason to select these samples is that the samples are staying together in the regiment, therefore, it is appropriate to test whether social norms affect smoking behavior or not. The data were analyzed using the logistic model. The results showed that (1) approximately half of the respondents were smokers (46%) and the average age of respondents was 26.1 years. Most respondents were single (80.4%) and graduated from high school level (41.3%). The average monthly income of respondents was about 12,545 baht. The average age that the respondents started smoking for the first time was 16 years old. The average number of cigarettes smoked per month was about 200 cigarettes and the average cigarette purchase was about 1,066 baht per month. (2) The factors affecting smoking decisions were that having close friends and relatives who smoke increased the likelihood of smoking decisions, as well as higher education and self-control behavior can help to reduce the likelihood of smoking decisions. However, the demographic variables, such as age and income were not correlated significantly with smoking behavior. Therefore, government policy should focus on the new smokers by avoiding the environments that encourage them to smoke. Furthermore, any measure (e.g., pre-commitment) that can improve the self-control behaviors of individuals would help to reduce the likelihood of smoking decisions of new smokers.


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