The impact of the BTS Skytrain services on the Gross Provincial Products in Bangkok's tourism industry


  • Nattaya Prapaipanich -
  • Ravipan Saleepon
  • Thanakhom Srisaringkarn
  • Penpichaya Khanthachamnong


Gross Provincial Products of Bangkok, Tourism industry, the amount of BTS passengers, BTS stock price


This study aimed to measure the impact of BTS Skytrain services on Gross Provincial Products
(GPP) in Bangkok’s tourism industry. This study used secondary data from 2001–2023. The
dependent variable was the GPP in Bangkok’s tourism industry, especially in the accommodation
and food service sectors. It was hypothesized that the number of workers in Bangkok's
accommodation and food service sectors, the amount of capital stock in Bangkok's accommodation
and food service sectors, and the number of tourists using the BTS service would impact the tourism
industry in Bangkok. The impact was estimated by the ordinary least squares (OLS) method.
The study found that the amount of capital stock and the number of tourists using the BTS service
were major factors in raising the GPP in Bangkok’s tourism industry at a 95% significant level. It
implies that in expanding the growth of Bangkok's tourism industry, Policymakers should be aware
of the importance of two factors. The first factor is the amount of capital stock, that is, they should
focus on increasing capital in Bangkok's tourism industry. The second factor is that the BTS Skytrain
should be able to accommodate a large number of passengers, including tourists.


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