Reflection of Special Autonomy by Aceh Local Government Policy in Economics And Politics Based on Helsinki MOU

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Rico Novianto


After 1998, the Indonesian government proposed the creation of an autonomous territory in the Republic. Indonesia has four special autonomous provinces, one of which is Aceh, which was formed following the 2005 conflict resolution. This research will focus on the local government's execution of the Helsinki MoU to ensure Aceh's peace and progress. The Qualitative technique is a way to analyze this study based on a literature review and local government policy and regulation to measure the results and changes during Aceh Special Autonomy. One of the primary policies implementing the Special Autonomy under the MoU Helsinki is the Law of Governing Aceh (LoGA) No. 11 of 2006. However, the Aceh local administration has yet to handle certain fundamental political and economic issues necessary to ensure Aceh's prosperity.

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