การอนุวัติการกฎหมายของประเทศไทยเกี่ยวกับความร่วมมือ ในการควบคุมมลพิษทางทะเลจากปฏิบัติการของเรือ


  • พิชชา ใจสมคม Eastern Asia University


มลพิษทางทะเล, ปฏิบัติการของเรือ, รัฐเจ้าของธง, รัฐท่าเรือ, รัฐชายฝั่ง


Marine pollution from the operation from vessels has a great impact on the living of human life. In resolving the environmental problem from the pollution cause by the operation of vessels, it needs cooperation of various parties, such as flag states, port states and coastal states. Cooperation of people in handling the environmental problem  is to enact environmental law for common use, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea--UNCLOS and  the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 : MARPOL 73/78, hereinafter referred to as UNCLOS and MARPOL 73/78. Thailand as a party to both conventions has an obligation to the implementation of domestic legislation therefor. This article is to study the implementation of Thailand’s domestic laws as regard to the issue of cooperation for the control of marine pollution from the operation of vessels under UNCLOS and MARPOL 73/78. Up to this date, Thailand has not yet taken any action to such an effect.





