ความพึงพอใจของลูกค้าที่ใช้บริการสินเชื่อบริษัท โตทรัพย์พิบูลมังสาหาร จำกัด อำเภอพิบูลมังสาหาร จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี


  • ธนาบูรณ์ เคหารมย์
  • ธรรมวิมล สุขเสริม


ความพึงพอใจผู้ใช้บริการ, บริการสินเชื่อ, บริษัท โตทรัพย์พิบูลมังสหาร จำกัด


The purposes of this quantitative research were (1) to study the correlation between service factors and customer satisfaction with credit services (2) to study the influence of service factors that affected the customer satisfaction with credit services. The sample group was 320 customers of Tosub Phiboonmangsahan company limited, who had experienced using credit services of Tosub Phiboonmangsahan company limited in Phibun Mangsahan district, Ubon Rachathani province. The research sampling method was a convenience sampling and the instrument of this study was a questionnaire. The statistics used for hypothesis test consisted of Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis test results showed that (1) service factors, such  as products, functionaries, process and service locations, significantly correlated with the customers’  satisfaction with  credit services of Tosub Phiboonmangsahan company limited in Phibun Mangsahan district, Ubon Rachathani province at the statistical level of 0.01 (2) all the service factors such as functionaries, process and service locations significantly influenced the customer satisfaction with  credit services of Tosub Phiboonmangsahan company limited at the statistical level of 0.01. Additionally, the product had no influence with customers’ satisfaction toward credit services of Tosub Phiboonmangsahan company limited in Phibun Mangsahan district, Ubon Rachathani province.





