A Model of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy and Customer Relationship Management Affecting Buying Decision of Furniture for the elderly in Thailand


  • Siraprapha Sriviroj Doctor of Business Administration Program, Eastern Asia University
  • Yaowapa Pathomsirikul Doctor of Business Administration Program, Eastern Asia University


integrated marketing communication, customer relationship management, buying decision, furniture, elderly


The purposes of this mixed method research were to (1) survey the individual characteristics of the elderly in Thailand (2) analyze the direct and indirect influence of integrated marketing communication strategies and customer relationship management that affecting the decision to buy furniture for the elderly in Thailand, and (3) find a model of integrated marketing communication strategy and customer relationship management affecting buying decision of furniture for the elderly in Thailand. the sample consisted of 600 elderly people, and data were collected by questionnaire and focus group. the statistics employed in the research were descriptive statistics, path analysis and structural equation model (SEM). The findings were as follows (1) the sample group were mostly female, aged 55-59 years, marital status, bachelor's degree. and average monthly income 30,0001-40,000 baht. Wanted to buy sanitary ware in the bathroom the most, buy from most furniture retailers, purchase frequency was more than 12 months per each, purchase for prevent or reduce accidents in daily life. Family members was influence on purchasing decisions and television as a channel for information about furniture (2) integrated marketing communication and customer relationship management had an indirect influence on purchasing decisions through psychological factors (3) a model of integrated marketing communication strategy and customer relationship management affecting buying decision of furniture for the elderly in Thailand are consistent with the empirical data ( c2 / df = 4.01(c2 = 585.96, df=143), p-value=0.0000, RMR= 0.025, RMSEA=0.072, GFI=0.92, AGFI=0.85)


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