The Feet-binding Culture in the Translated Novel “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan”

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Nattida Champapung
Ratmanee Dathamard
Phoommarin Phiromlertamorn


A study of the feet-binding culture in the translated novel “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” was a qualitative research, that aims to study the beliefs of women related to the Chinese feet-binding culture in ancient times. The data were collected from various Chinese Feet-binding culture documents, data was analysed and presented using descriptive analysis. The results showed that Chinese Feet-binding culture was an important and popular practice of Chinese people in the past. The beliefs have been passed down from generation to generation. This culture reflected the beliefs of Chinese people in the past in four aspects; 1. beliefs in the importance of feet and beauty values of Chinese women 2. beliefs in the worship of sacred things, beliefs about fortune teller and matchmakers 3. beliefs about embroidering shoes 4. beliefs before and after tying the feet. Even the tradition of Chinese feet-binding had ceased, it has become a painful mark for women that cannot be forgotten.

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How to Cite
Champapung, N., Dathamard, R., & Phiromlertamorn, P. (2023). The Feet-binding Culture in the Translated Novel “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan”. Fa Nuea Journal, 14(1), 39–58. Retrieved from
Research Article


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