REFLECTIONS: The Journey of Emotion in 2018-2021

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Yupawadee Nisawa-anutarapan


The creation of this abstract painting “REFLECTIONS” aim to collect your own emotions that happened during the year 2018-2021 and to create paintings that arose from the collection of their own emotions that occurred during the year 2018-2021 and to exhibit art exhibitions to the public. The research methods are study and collect inspiration for creative works, organize exhibitions, analyze, summarize, and discuss results, respectively.
The results: every event that happened during the journey of my life during the year 2018-2021, it was an important moment because it inspired the creation of this series of works. I have chosen to use acrylic on canvas and linen. The Emphasize on horizontal image placement because researcher want to create a wide image and so that viewers can continually consider every emotion that appears in the picture and the long time creation of this series has resulted in the work "Reflection 7 and 9" being selected to participate in both domestic and international art exhibitions. In addition, past exhibition showed that the audience were impressed and felt in the same direction as the images and including being able to imagine further creativity

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How to Cite
Nisawa-anutarapan, Y. (2023). REFLECTIONS: The Journey of Emotion in 2018-2021. Fa Nuea Journal, 14(1), 119–138. Retrieved from
Research Article


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