The Development of Chinese Speaking Skills Using Simulation Activities of the First Year Chinese Language Students, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University

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Nukul Thammachong
Panukorn Jansawang
Chanokphorn Khaokham
Natpaphat Phongphonphek
Kritsada Krittamethakun
Arthittaned Uraikul


The research aimed to 1) develop lesson plans to practice Chinese speaking skills using the simulation based on the efficiency criterion determined at 80/80; 2) seek for the Effectiveness of the lesson plans to practice Chinese speaking skills using the simulation and; 3) compare the Chinese speaking skills of first-year Chinese language students before and after using simulation. The instruments used to collect data were: 1) the Chinese lesson plans using simulation on "Speaking in Daily Life"; and 2) a unit of study content consisting of 8 two-hour lesson plans applied over 4 weeks, which was 16 hours in total. Each lesson plan was comprised of 1) a Chinese speaking skills assessment form, 2) a learning behavior assessment form, 3) an activity sheet, and 4) a speaking skills test. The data were analyzed to discover the effectiveness and efficiency of the lesson plans. The statistics used were mean, percentage, standard deviation, the comparison of students’speaking skills before and after using simulation activities, and correlated t-test.The results revealed that 1) the efficiency of the lesson plans was determined at 81.73/85.45, which was higher than the defined criterion; 2) the lesson plans for Chinese speaking skills using simulation had an effectiveness index of 73.54%, which was able to determine that students learned and improved their speaking skills; and 3) the students who studied using simulation activities improved their Chinese speaking skills at a statistically significantly higher level at 0.01.

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How to Cite
Thammachong, N., Jansawang, P., Khaokham, C., Phongphonphek, N., Krittamethakun, K., & Uraikul, A. (2023). The Development of Chinese Speaking Skills Using Simulation Activities of the First Year Chinese Language Students, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University. Fa Nuea Journal, 14(1), 59–78. Retrieved from
Research Article


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