Greek Mythology Story-based Instruction to Enhance English Vocabulary Learning of English Major Students

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Preeyapha Wangmanee


This research aimed to study the effectiveness of Greek Mythology Story-based Instruction to enhance English Vocabulary Learning and investigate the students’ attitude towards this Instructional approach among English major students. The population consisted of 134 second-year English major students who were enrolled in ENP2402 Mythological Background in Literature during the second semester of the academic year 2021. A mixed-method design with purposive sampling (n=98) were employed, utilizing English pretest and posttest assessments along with a questionnaire as instruments. Descriptive analysis, including percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D), t-test and tabular presentation, was used to analyze the data.

The results indicated that post-test scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores (P<0.05), demonstrating the effectiveness of Greek Mythology Story-based Instruction for enhancing English vocabulary learning. Moreover, the questionnaire revealed that students expressed a positive attitude towards this instructional approach, with an average agreement level at 4.06 (S.D. = 0.7). In conclusion, this study suggests that employing Greek Mythology Story-based Instruction can be beneficial in teaching and learning processes, particularly in enhancing English vocabulary learning for English major students.

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How to Cite
Wangmanee, P. . (2023). Greek Mythology Story-based Instruction to Enhance English Vocabulary Learning of English Major Students. Fa Nuea Journal, 14(2), 101–120. retrieved from
Research Article


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