Music of Tai-Yong Cultural in Chiang Rai

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Ong-art Inthaniwet


Tai-Yong is the name of the people who settled in Yong city on the east of Shan State. They migrated to the northern region of Thailand around the reign of King Kawila.  Lamphun province is the main city from dispersing to other areas. In Chiang Rai, Tai Yong people found at Chancha Sub-district, Mae Chan District. This study aimed to study music of Tai-Yong cultural in Chiang Rai. With qualitative research by using the process of studying in Ethnomusicology. There was fieldwork, studies, interviews with local stakeholders. And to analyze the context of music according to the Ethnomusicology.
This study found that; Tai-Yong has organized cultural activities. Tai-Yong has used music for connecting the relationships in each community to carry. For example; Klong Luang band,  and Klong shing maung band (ancient long drum). There are the bands used to performing parades in Buddhist traditions. And use the instrumental in the annual traditional wisdom competition event. The Klong Luang Competition is a contest criterion to measure the loudness of the drums. There are regarded as the wisdom of musical instruments. people must to knowledge in every process. From hole drilling within the drum, which has a specific style of the mechanic. Closing the top of the skin made of cowhide, with sticky rice or bananas, according to the recipes of each community. This is an important trick that each house willhave its own recipe. Both Klong Luang band and Klong shing maung band have important roles in the culture of the Tai-Yong. Because Its inviting people to meet in the annual tradition or ceremonies. There is a tradition that has been passed down since ancient times. It is a tradition that Thai people in each village will meet organize activities. to create greater unity and harmony in each community.

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How to Cite
Ong-art Inthaniwet. (2023). Music of Tai-Yong Cultural in Chiang Rai. Fa Nuea Journal, 11(1), 5–30. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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