Tactically speaking persuasive in The novel “Poo Ying Kon Nan Chue Boon Rord” of Botan

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Prapaporn Tanakittikasame


Analysis techniques of persuasive speech of the characters in the novel. Poo ying kon nan chue Boonrod researchers used the words and the meaning of words of Pleung na nakorn (2514: 41-46), in conjunction with the use of rhetoric in persuading of Sakda Pannengpetch (2552: 108-575), the concept of writing melodies to convince of Thida Mosikarat (2555: 196) and the art of persuasive speech of Warrawat Sriyabhaya (2560, p.177) to analyze the rhetorical strategies of persuasive character in the novel, the story of Poo ying kon nan chue Boonrod. In the context of communication by speaking with a persuasive and convincing achievement. Say there are strategies, however, the two parties have understood from the speech persuasive tactics of character, both men and women. When the problem was not between the two parties. Speaking to minimize conflict and promote mutual understanding, thus leading to a persuasive speech. The results showed that tactically speaking the influence of fictional characters appearing three areas: the use of words and meanings. Using rhetoric And writing melodies

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How to Cite
Prapaporn Tanakittikasame. (2023). Tactically speaking persuasive in The novel “Poo Ying Kon Nan Chue Boon Rord” of Botan. Fa Nuea Journal, 10(2), 46–65. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/FaNJ/article/view/265422
Research Article


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