Cognitive Processes for the Semantic Mappings of Mandarin Chinese
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the cognitive process for the semantic mapping of nine basic color terms in Mandarin Chinese: 白 bái [WHITE], 黑 hēi [BLACK], 红 hóng [RED], 绿 lǜ [GREEN], 黄 huáng [YELLOW], 蓝 lán [BLUE], 粉 fěn [PINK], 紫 zǐ [PURPLE], and 灰 huī [GREY] into other domains. The data are collected from Beijing Language and Culture University Corpus (BCC语料). The study reveals that metonymy, metaphor, and metaphtonymy, which is identified as a special process that specifies the interaction between metaphor and metonymy, are three cognitive processes that are used for the semantic mapping of basic color terms in Mandarin Chinese into other domains. In addition, metonymy is the most frequently used in cognitive processes, followed by metaphor and metaphtonymy. This study can also be applied to Chinese language instruction in teaching about the figurative meaning of Mandarin Chinese basic color terms.
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