Using Folk Literature as a Tool for Communicating Community Product Identity: A Case Study of Kongkan Village, Mae Suek Subdistrict, Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province

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Phisaphim Junphrom
Krit Phanpanya
Yanisa Komonsirichok


This research aims to utilize folk literature as a tool for communicating the community product identity. The study employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods, utilizing quantitative and qualitative research tools to assess and develop the community's perception of their cultural heritage as it relates to tourism management. This includes examining literature related to local customs and resources, conducting structured and unstructured interviews with subgroups, and developing a community product identity communication program using folk literature as a tool. The research and development yielded the following results: 1) Folk literature has the potential to effectively communicate the community product identity, particularly folk narratives related to local customs and resources. Approximately 80% of the population in Kangkan Village, totaling 325 individuals, approved and supported the use of folk literature, particularly older narratives related to community customs and resources, as a means of identity communication for community products. They expressed support for the development of folk literature to enhance the uniqueness of community products. 2) The development of community products with a unique identity using folk literature as a tool received substantial support, with approximately 80% of the Kangkan Village population, totaling 325 individuals, favoring and supporting such products. Moreover, five market experts unanimously agreed that community products with a unique identity developed using folk literature as a tool could be successfully marketed and 3)The development of a communication tool for community products with a unique identity using folk literature as a tool achieved an efficiency score (E1/E2) of 70 points, as specified. This indicates the tool's success in using folk literature to communicate community product identity effectively and sets the stage for future communication efforts. Furthermore, the analysis compared to the criteria and achieved a score of 2.8%, indicating the tool's success in future communication.

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How to Cite
Junphrom, P., Phanpanya, K., & Komonsirichok, Y. (2024). Using Folk Literature as a Tool for Communicating Community Product Identity: A Case Study of Kongkan Village, Mae Suek Subdistrict, Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province. Fa Nuea Journal, 15(1), 41–60. Retrieved from
Research Article


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