Development of Public Speaking Skills through Davies’ Performance Instructional Model for 2nd year Thai Language Students, Thai Language and Culture Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

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Rungroj Tonpradit


The purposes of this research article were to develop public speaking skills and to strengthen the potential and efficiency and to investigate the students’ satisfaction towards the public speaking based on Davies’Performance Instructional Model. The samples were 18 students studying in 2nd year Thai language students, Thai Language and Culture Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. The research instruments were a speaking evaluation form to measure speaking achievement and a questionnaire investigating satisfaction towards a development of public speaking skills through Davies’ Performance. Then develop by using Davies’ Performance Instructional Model. The results from the evaluation were examined for analyzed for mean, standard deviation, and (t – test). Then the students were asked to do satisfaction towards the public speaking based on Davies’ Performance Instructional Model. The results from the satisfaction were examined for analyzed for mean, standard deviation.
The findings revealed that the results of the speaking achievement after implementation of the developed was 16 percent which was higher than before development, corresponded to the first assumption. The students were satisfied with Davies’ Performance Instructional Model at the highest level, as it can be seen from the mean at 4.84 and S.D. at 0.27, corresponded to the second assumption.

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How to Cite
Tonpradit, R. (2024). Development of Public Speaking Skills through Davies’ Performance Instructional Model for 2nd year Thai Language Students, Thai Language and Culture Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. Fa Nuea Journal, 15(1), 81–96. Retrieved from
Research Article


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