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จารุวัจน์ สองเมือง, 6852279
เกษตรชัย และหีม, 6852279
คอเหล็ด หะยีสาอิ, 6852279
มะรูยานี บากา, 6852279
ฮาเซ็ม อัชอารี


As part of the research on system and mechanism of internal quality assurance for private Islamic schools, the paper aims to present the condition of the internal quality assurance of private Islamic schools and to propose recommendations for conducting the internal quality assurances for private Islamic schools.

According to the research findings, it is indicated that each school differently conducted three aspects of internal quality insurance covering quality control, quality monitoring and quality assessment. School personnel are divided into 4 groups based on their roles: executives, vice-executives, quality assurance officers and other officers. They all understand and participate in quality assurance differently. Recommendations for promoting the quality assurance in private Islamic schools are as follows:  (1) developing quality assurance to cover all school, (2) adjusting some indicators that contrast to Islamic education, (3) supporting the cooperation and developing quality assurance instruments which are in accord with school, (4) developing the school personnel to be equipped with knowledge and skills of quality assurance, and (5) developing school’s administration knowledge based on Islamic principles.

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สองเมือง จ., และหีม เ., หะยีสาอิ ค., บากา ม., & อัชอารี ฮ. (2018). สภาพและแนวทางการส่งเสริมการดำเนินการประกันคุณภาพภายในโรงเรียนเอกชนสอนศาสนาอิสลาม. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/111844
Research Article


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