

  • มะดาโอะ ปูเตะ, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยอิสลามยะล
  • เภาซัน เจ๊ะแว, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยอิสลามยะล


แรงงานมลายูมุสลิม, จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้, ไทย, มาเลเซีย


The objectives of this research “The movement of Malay-Muslim labors from southern border provinces of Thailand into northern states of Malaysia” were to study the effects of  travelling, to study the documents of each state for travelling, and the wage-rates and rights including the data of the Thais who working in the northern Malaysian states.  To do this research, the author studied on the sampling group concerned with the Malay-Muslims in the southern border provinces from 3 groups: first group, the staff from immigration and labor recruitment offices of each state; second group, the entrepreneurs; the third, the southern Thai Malay-Muslim labors who working in northern Malaysian states.  It was processed in a qualitative method by in-depth interviews and observations.  Statistical data and concerned documents were the tool utilized to collect the research data.

            It has found the factors effective for the movement of the Malay-Muslim labors working in northern states of Malaysia that majority of the labors concerned with the incomes in Malaysia that better than in Thailand; secondly, the same culture and better relationship; in addition, thirdly, the security in life and properties. Regarding the travelling, majority of the labors utilized ‘Border Pass’ into Malaysia; secondly, ‘Passport’; and some of them entered Malaysia without documents.  The documents used to be able to request for endorsement in each state are not the same.  For the labors from 5 southern border provinces, they used Border Pass. The wage-rates and rights, the wages depended on an agreement between the employer and the employee that the employee received 6,000-30,000 Baht per month.  In addition, the employee received their rights on free hostels and food.  Regarding the Thais working in the northern Malaysia from the endorsement statistics of temporary in 2009 found that mostly working in Perlis in agriculture 1,984 people, in Kelantan in agriculture 1,597 people, and in Perak in services 217 people. 


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How to Cite

ปูเตะ ม., & เจ๊ะแว เ. (2018). การเดินทางของแรงงานมลายูมุสลิมจากจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ของประเทศไทยเข้าไปทำงานในรัฐทางตอนเหนือของมาเลเซีย. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 1(1), 13–21. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/111852