มุมมองของประชาชนที่มีต่อการปฏิบัติงานของเจ้าหน้าที่รัฐ ในพื้นที่สามจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้


  • อับดุลคอเหล็ด เจะแต, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


มุมมองของประชาชน, การปฏิบัติงาน, เจ้าหน้าที่รัฐ, จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้.


This research aims to study the views of the public towards the performance of public officials and the problems that effect from the performance of public officials in the three southern border provinces. As well as, to study alternatives those enhance understanding between citizens and public officials. By means of an integrated research which is consists of qualitative research and quantitative research, using a random stratified sampling, sampling residents in the three southernmost provinces, in-dept interview, questionnaire and observation as a tool to collect filed data from the key informant which is divide into three groups:  scholars, leaders of the NGO and the general public.

The study indicated that most of the respondents were female between the ages of 21-30, lower and high secondary school, employee, Muslim, single status and most of them are living outside the municipal. By overall, the public satisfaction is moderate level with the performance of public officials in the three southern border provinces. The main problems affecting the public view on the performance are as billow: 

1-The views of the public towards performance of local authorities in the three southernmost provinces found that the views of local people have negative opinion for example the lack of knowledge and understanding of the special nature of the people in the area as well as the performance of government officials which is lack of equality and discrimination against people of other religions. Therefore, the state agency needs to operate in three southern provinces have learn to understand the difference in dimensions. It will make the operation has achieved. It is fundamental importance in troubleshooting disputes in the region.

2-The satisfaction of the performance of public officials in the three southernmost provinces found that the operation and service of the public authorities most viewed official’s state that the service is very good. Some of the group said government officials delayed services and lack of good service because of bring emotions and feelings into practice, the impolite way of conversation and the performance that created distrust such as the arrest of a suspect in the area.  The public understand that the operational should have evidence, the process is clear and justice, community leaders and people involved can recognize process for any steps. Thus, how the direction of people to satisfaction in three southern border provinces, it depends on the behavior of public officials working in the area that how far will attract and satisfy. The performance behaviors of authorities are important.

3-The ways to enhance understanding between the people and the performance of public officials in the three southernmost provinces found that the guidelines seek to build understanding between the people of the state will require on several factors, first, promoting understanding about the lifestyle, cultural beliefs of Thai Melayu to the authorities who take duties in the area. Meanwhile, it must promote knowledge and the understanding of the operations of government agencies who involved to the public. Second, build up the good condition in communication between officials and the public. Third, the public can get involved in the problems of their community with the state authorities. Fourth, to create equality, moral prejudice and build trust between public and government officials. Fifth, the government should improve the role and tactical solutions to suit with the three southern border provinces.

            Recommendations from the study: 1) the government should create understanding and build equality in operation with the public 2) government should play role in shaping policy, in the activity and plans in the operation that encourages people to get involved in solving the problem by themselves. The government should encourage and support people to develop in all dimensions as well as activities to coexist peacefully in a multicultural society.


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How to Cite

เจะแต อ. (2018). มุมมองของประชาชนที่มีต่อการปฏิบัติงานของเจ้าหน้าที่รัฐ ในพื้นที่สามจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 7(13), 15–24. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/112342