Effects of Project - Based Learning on Learning Achievement, Science Process Skills and Attitude Towards Science of Mathayomsuksa Two Students


  • มารียะห์ มะเซ็ง มหาวิทยาลัย สงขลานครินทร์
  • ณัฐวิทย์ พจนตันติ มหาวิทยาลัย สงขลานครินทร์
  • วิรัตน์ ธรรมภรณ์ มหาวิทยาลัย สงขลานครินทร์


Project base learning


This  research aimed to study the effects of project - based learning on science achievement, science process skills and attitude towards science of mathayomsuksa two  students. The sample group of this research were 23 students in mathayomsuksa two  classroom at Riengrat Uppatum School, Ruso District, Yala Province during  the first semester of 2010 academic year, received by purposive sampling. They were instructed using Project - based learning Approach for 16 hours. The research instruments consisted of lesson plans for the project-based learning , achievement test, science process skills test, students’ attitudes towards science evaluation test, the researcher’s field- note, the interview recording forms for students’ attitudes towards learning activities and the interview recording forms for science teachers’ knowledge about project-based learning. The experimental research  was conducted using one group pretest-posttest design. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation and t-test. The research findings were as follows:

  1. The comparison between mean score and criteria of 60% of total score indicated that students’ mean score was higher than the criteria at the .05 level of significance.
  2. Students learning by project-based learning approach had the post-test mean score on science achievement higher than the pre-test mean score at the .05 level of significance.
  3. Students learning by project-based learning approach had the post-test mean score on science process skills higher than the pre-test mean score at the .05 level of significance.
  4. Students’ attitudes towards science were positively high.
  5. Students were able to develop positive learning behaviors, inquiry, creative thinking, group process, confident and apply knowledge to their daily lives which leaded students to study happily.
  6. The science teachers gained more knowledge about project-based learning after using project-based learning approach in their class.


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How to Cite

มะเซ็ง ม., พจนตันติ ณ., & ธรรมภรณ์ ว. (2018). Effects of Project - Based Learning on Learning Achievement, Science Process Skills and Attitude Towards Science of Mathayomsuksa Two Students. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 3(5), 23–37. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/114488