Aggressive Behaviors among Male Inmates: A Case Study of a Government Prison
aggressive behaviors, male inmates, prisonAbstract
This descriptive research aimed to investigate levels of male inmate aggressive behaviors. One hundreds and seventy-five male inmates, attending a government prison, in one province, mid-southern Thailand, were recruited into the study. Convenience sampling technique was used to indicate the subject sample. A close-ended aggression behavior questionnaire, validated by 3 expert raters, was used for data collecting, through self-reported questionnaire survey. Reliability test was computed, using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, yielding the value of 0.95 for aggressive behaviors. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics analysis: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results showed that a mean score of overall level of aggressive behaviors was at a high level, that is, = 2.59 (sd = 0.55). Considering each aspect of the aggressive behaviors, all the mean scores for each aspect were at high levels as well: use of physical force, = 2.64 (sd = 0.63); negativism, = 2.62 (sd = 0.63); indirect action, = 2.59 (sd = 0.60); mood instability, = 2.55 (sd = 0.62); and verbal aggression, = 2.54 (sd = 0.62), respectively.
These findings might be applicable to planning for a better care of male inmates, by promoting cozy environment with least stressful conditions in prison.
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