Da‘awah Methodology of Santichon Muslim Foundation to New Convert Muslims in Thailand


  • ตอเหล็บ โอรามหลง นักศึกษาปริญญาโท ภาควิชาอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี
  • ซาฝีอี อาดำ ดร. (ตะวันออกกลาง) อาจารย์ประจำภาควิชาอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


Da’wah, Santichon Muslim Foundation, New Convert Muslims


The present research project was aimed at studying (1) the history and background of the Santichon Muslim Foundation (2) Da‘awah  methodology in Islam to newly converted Muslims and (3) Da‘awah methodology of Santichon Muslim Foundation to newly converted Muslims in Thailand. The imstruments used in collecting data were observing and interviewing. al-Quran science principles, for example : al-Mufhoom, al-Muntook, al-Arm and al-Khos,al-Hadith science principles, for example : al-Sohih, al-Hasun al-Doif and the general Arabic grammars were used in analyzing the qualitative data. It was found from the study that:

  1. Santichon Muslim Foundation as it is today started as a radio station called “ Puea Santichon” in 1981. The station’s programs were broadcast in Bangkok, Chiangmai and Songkhla. Mr. Prasert Massari acted as the head of the station and Mr. Safi’i Napakorn and Mr. Ismael Wisuttipranee were the key lecturers of the programs. In 1983, Santichon Institute was established and located at Soi 112, Ladprao Road. The institute which was a one-storey wooden building offered Islamic teaching sessions to interested adults every Sunday. Mr. Prasert Massari acted as the president while Mr. Ismael Wisuttipranee, Mr. Wittaya Wisetrat, Mr. Mustofa Upensuk, Mr. Ilyas Naknawa and Mr. Yahya Tohma-ngee were lecturers of the institute. In 1986, there was an initiative to found Santichon Muslim Foundation with the support from Mr. Wang Wongsan, who donated 1 rai of land plot and 3 million baht in cash for the construction of the foundation building and another million baht for the construction of dormitory building in Suan Luang District. In 1987, Santichon Muslim Foundation was officially established and Mr. Prasert Massari was appointed as the foundation president.
  2. Da‘awah is a call or invitation towards mankind to the faith in Allah. Da‘awah is an honorable mission because the calling of mankind to the faith in Allah is the best kind of speech and it is also the mission practiced by all the prophets as commanded by Allah. The aim of Da‘awah is to call upon mankind to the faith in the oneness of Allah, Consisting faith practices and ethics.
  3. The Da‘awah methodology of Santichon Muslim Foundation to Muallaf includes (1) Da‘awah by words (2) Da‘awah by actions (3) Da‘awah by media and (4) Da‘awah  by content.   



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How to Cite

โอรามหลง ต., & อาดำ ซ. (2018). Da‘awah Methodology of Santichon Muslim Foundation to New Convert Muslims in Thailand. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 4(7), 23–35. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/115037