Desired Characteristics of Administrators as Perceived by Teachers in Islamic Private Schools in Phatthalung Province
Islamic Private Schools, Desired CharacteristicsAbstract
This study aimed to (1) conduct a factor analysis on desired characteristics of administrators as perceived by teachers in Islamic private schools in Phatthalung province, (2) examine the levels of desired characteristics of administrators as perceived by teachers in Islamic private schools in Phatthalung province, and (3) compare the differences of levels of desired characteristics of administrators as perceived by teachers in Islamic private schools in Phatthalung province based on gender, age, education of qualification, position, and work experience. The sample consisted of 447 teachers in Islamic private schools in Phatthalung province that were divided into 2 groups. The first group of 225 samples were selected for exploratory factor analysis. The second group comprising 222 samples were used to examine and compare the differences of levels of desired characteristics. The research instrument was the assessment scale of desired characteristics of administrators as perceived by teachers in Islamic private schools in Phatthalung province. Data was analyzed based on exploratory factor analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA
The finding shows that desired characteristics of administrators as perceived by teachers in Islamic private schools in Phatthalung province is composed of 3 dimensions, i.e. interaction with co-workers, goal-oriented, and the commitment and dedication to work. The perceived levels of desired characteristics of administrators are high in both overall and each aspect of the three. The comparison of different levels of desired characteristics of administrators for five variables found that perceptions of teachers on different gender, education of qualification, position, and work experience considering overall and each aspect were not different, perceptions of teachers on different age considering overall and each aspect were different statistically significant.
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