The Attitude towards Blood Donation of Muslims in Muang District, Pattani Province


  • นูรฮายาตี สะอิ นักศึกษาปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาอิสลามศึกษา ภาควิชาอิสลามศึกษา วิทยาลัยอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อับดุลเลาะ การีนา รองศาสตราจารย์ สาขาวิชาอิสลามศึกษา ภาควิชาอิสลามศึกษา วิทยาลัยอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


Attitude, Donation, Muslims


This research aims to study the level of knowledge and understanding on blood donation and to compare the attitudes toward blood donation of muslim people in Muang District, Pattani Province. The sample of this research consisted of 400 people. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by computer program. The results of the study were found as follows :

(1) About the knowledge and understanding on blood donation, 87.3 percent of the sample understood  it at highest level, 11.7 percent of the sample understood it at moderate level and only 1.0 percent understood it at low level.

(2) The sample was composed of females , males and diverse social status, They have an attitude about blood donation In different levels , at high level , doubtful level,  low level and moderate level.

(3) When comparing the attitude of blood donation among the muslim sample have graduated in general education, with different genders, ages, marital status, congenital diseases, social status, education background, community features and income, their attitude wasn’t statistically significant at 0.01, whereas the muslim sample graduated in general education with different significantly religion knowledge and communities had statically different attitude at 0.05 level.

Besides, muslim sample living in different communities, having different occupation and level of knowledge and understanding on blood donation significantly had statically different attitude at 0.001 and 0.01 level respectively.


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How to Cite

สะอิ น., & การีนา อ. (2018). The Attitude towards Blood Donation of Muslims in Muang District, Pattani Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 5(9), 111–121. Retrieved from