Marriage Applications With Jama-cah Ahlul Jum-cah in Kampot Province, Cambodia: The Compared to The Study of Islamic Law


  • ซะฮฺรีย์ หะซัน นักศึกษาปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาชะรีอะฮฺ (กฎหมายอิสลาม) คณะอิสลามศึกษาและนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • อับดุลเลาะ ยีเลาะ ดร.(ชะรีอะฮฺ), อาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาชะรีอะฮฺ (กฎหมายอิสลาม) คณะอิสลามศึกษาและนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


Marriage, Ahlul jum-cah, Islamic Law


This research treats the actuality of marriage process in the approach of Jama-ah Ah-lulJum-ah in Campot province of Cambodia, and it deals also about the confliction of this group in the original issue of marriage according to Islamic doctrine , as the researcher rised some questions in order to describe the problem, and then to find the proper responses for these questions, such as: How marriage process goes in right Islamic legislation ? What is the requires in marriage process according to Islamic due ? Is Jama-ah Ah-lulJum-ah in Campot province of Cambodia commit conflicts against Islamic doctrine ? The research purposes the legislation of marriage as came in the right Islamic doctrine, as to know how far this group contradict Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah in marriage process ? especially the way of their marriage practice since the earlier term till now. The researcher deals with the inductive method by gathering the relevant data and information to the subject, and then the comparative method to compare between the marriage process in Islamic doctrine to tha one in the legislation of Jama-ah Ah-lulJum-ah in Campot province of Cambodia. The researcher eventually got some findings as following : First: various sides of the marriage process practicing by Jama-ah Ah-lulJum-ah in Campot province of Cambodia contradic quitly the Islamic teaching and right method of Islam. Secondly: indeed the way of marriage and the form of positive and acceptance by Jama-ah Ah-lulJum-ah in Campot province of Cambodia take place through more than one inapprehensible-language. Thirdly: the wedding party that takes place by them is strange and illegal according to Islamic legislation. And lastly the researcher recommends that the duty of calling-back this group to the right path of Islam requires the preachers and especially the scholars to instruct them comming back to the truth as came in the teachings of Holly Qur'an and Prophet traditions.


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How to Cite

หะซัน ซ., & ยีเลาะ อ. (2018). Marriage Applications With Jama-cah Ahlul Jum-cah in Kampot Province, Cambodia: The Compared to The Study of Islamic Law. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 5(10), 127–135. Retrieved from