The Evaluative of book “Durus Allugah Alarabiah” for non-Arabic Speakers in Elementary Level of Al-islah School, Kampot, Cambodia From Year 2006-2010


  • อะห์หมัด อิสมาอิล นักศึกษาปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาภาษาอาหรับและวรรณคดี คณะศิลปศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • มูฮำหมัด อาลี อุมัร ชีโด ดร. (ภาษาศาสตร์), อาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาภาษาอาหรับ คณะศิลปศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


Evaluative, Arabic book, Kampot Cambodia


This research aims to evaluate “Arabic Lessons for Non-Speakers, for the Primary School” in “Al-Islah School at Kampot, Cambodia to discover the books strength and weak point, as well as providing suggfestions to modify or to improve them later. Therefore, the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method and fieldwork and inductive approach, he used questionnaire as a tool, the sample includes (26), teachers, he depends on average and percentage in the statistical analysis. According to the questionnaire, it was found that the most areas of text book enjoys a high degree of teachers satisfaction; the objectives of teaching for example, had got (86.9 %), while content had achieved (84.9 %), the language, presentation and  teaching method had reached to (82.2%), the design got (80.8%), in the term of evaluation had got (70.8%). Based on the study findings, the researcher concluded that  “Arabic Lessons for Non-Speakers” at Kampot Islah School is relatively successful, but it needs some improvements in terms of teaching methods and evaluation, because they were not satisfied enough, in other words, the curriculum requires developments in these aspects..


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How to Cite

อิสมาอิล อ., & ชีโด ม. อ. อ. (2018). The Evaluative of book “Durus Allugah Alarabiah” for non-Arabic Speakers in Elementary Level of Al-islah School, Kampot, Cambodia From Year 2006-2010. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 5(10), 137–143. retrieved from