Problems of Classroom Research of Teachers in Private Schools, Satun Province


  • เสดอาหมาด ศรียาน นักวิชาการศึกษาปฏิบัติการ สำนักงานการศึกษาเอกชนจังหวัดสตูล
  • เกริก แต่งเกลี้ยง รองผู้อำนวยการ สำนักงานการศึกษาเอกชนจังหวัดสตูล
  • ไมซาเร๊าะ ขุนรักษ์ นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • อาริฟ หมานระเด็น นักวิชาการอิสระ


National Educational Test (I-NET), Islamic Private Schools, Satun province


This research The objectives to 1. Study Results of the Applying Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) to Develop Students Quality 2. Study achievement and failure of the Applying Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) to Develop Students Quality (2012-2014 3. study on methology in the Applying Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) to Develop Students Quality. 90 Persons in Islamic Private Schools in Satun province. The researcher used interview as research tools for collecting the data. The Analytic Induction in the statistical analysis.

            Research results

  1. The use of planning the administration of the school. Academic Development Staff Development And Instructional Supervision Religious Department the results of Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) to use the analysis to find out the weaknesses and strengths of the teaching and learning in each subject. And brought the information to plan and organize activities to raise student achievement. And teachers have the test results were analyzed to find weaknesses and strengths of their own. To guide the development of the model. The process of teaching and other areas
  2. Agencies and schools take the Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) will be analyzed and used in the preparation of project plans and activities to improve the teaching of teachers in Islamic private. especially in the subject of Arabic and Malay. And School administrators have not taken the Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) is used to determine the merits and higher salaries. Most students do not give importance to the test, the National Educational Studies (I-NET), because that could lead to the admission into a university.
  3. Feedback on the results of Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) to develop a Islamic private school in Satun Province.

            3.1 Management and Head of religious scholars opine that. Agency should lead the investigation to analyze, plan and organize activities to help schools with low test results. Religious Affairs should take the exam results were analyzed to find weaknesses and strengths of instruction in each subject. Teachers should be teaching the course in Islamic curriculum and the results should be used to Classroom research.

            3.2 The Ministry of Education should be given to Islamic private schools, the results of Islamic National Educational Test (I-NET) as part of the completion of Students. Agencies and schools should have project plans and activities in the acquisition process of teaching and learning. Measurement and evaluation in the course of the test is low. Religious Affairs should teachers have the knowledge and ability to meet the content in each subject. Teachers should be teaching. And the measurement and evaluation of a variety. Emphasizing that students can apply their knowledge to practical use in everyday life, literally.

            3.3 Teachers should take the exam results of students are to make teaching a curriculum that is used in the investigation. Teachers should take the exam results used to develop teaching models. Measurement and evaluation of teachers' careers and research. And should focus on teaching students to put their knowledge to use in everyday life, literally. Especially in the Arab and Malay language should be taught by the students to practice speaking and conversation. And the teaching of subjects in the Malay language. Teachers should be teaching by using runes are based.


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How to Cite

ศรียาน เ., แต่งเกลี้ยง เ., ขุนรักษ์ ไ., & หมานระเด็น อ. (2018). Problems of Classroom Research of Teachers in Private Schools, Satun Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 6(11), 11–24. Retrieved from