Practict Guidelines For Community Occupational Promotion Of Bangkao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Saiburi district, Pattani province


  • สมาน ยูซง นักศึกษาปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาการปกครองท้องถิ่น มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


Community, Occupational, Promotion


A Studies of  practice in promoting professional community of Bangkau sub district administrative organization Saiburi district Pattani Province. 1. The objective of research educational role of local administration in the to promote the success of the professional community of Bangkau sub district . 2. Factor analysis to study the factor that promote or hinder success in the band’s career of Bangkau sub district. This research is qualitative research the target population is the executive and administrative officer of sub district, including Vice president of administrative organization, permanent sub district coef. Development, development district and professional groups of Budo productive. Research tools, use the specific interview. Researcher continue to collect qualitative information manually, qualitative information analysis for commercial purpose of the description of the research of the administration and operation of professional  groups to active the objective by the conclusion as follows.

The administration has an important mission in order to encourage the villagers to gather various groups organized to create the sentence itself. Families and communities as well as local management administration organize professional groups, community to bring what the villagers offered to 3 years development plan, and the administration has to support the budget, and the local budget to support and continue to Tambon administrative organization use various incentive such as the training of government agencies and private, source of raw material and equipment field trips community or professional group successful, you will also need to supply public relations and professional group. In addition to administration instead to provide various vocational training, with the district with an invitation to train who have knowledge of or experience in the professional, knowledge in action, such as the training or supply or equipment that are requied in the occupation to occupation by training to boost revenue, with a manual or professional group who ourselves as members Bangkou administration, organization will providing support in various projects.


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How to Cite

ยูซง ส. (2018). Practict Guidelines For Community Occupational Promotion Of Bangkao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Saiburi district, Pattani province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 3(5), 51–60. Retrieved from