A Model of Transformational Leadership Competency Development of School Administrators in 21st Century


  • สิรินาถ ปัทมาวิไล มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎนครศรีธรรมราช
  • อโนทัย ประสาน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช
  • วีรวรรณ จงจิตร ศิริจิรกาล มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช


Development model, Transformational leadership competency, School administrators in 21st century


The purposes of this research were to 1)examine the transformational leadership competency of school administrators in 21st century, 2) develop a model of transformational leadership competency development of school administrators in 21 st  century and 3) reviewing a model of transformational leadership competency development of school administrators in 21 st  century. The subjects were 249 school administrators under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Area and indept-interview with five experienced and skillful administrators. The research instrument were five points scale Likert questionnaire and Structured interview. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed.

The results revealed that the transformational leadership competency of school administrators in 21st century consisted for 7 competencies as follows: Information and Communication Technology Competency, Vision Competency, Creative Thinking and Using Innovation Competency, Transformational Leadership Competency, Inspiration and Teamwork Competency, Problem Solving and Decision Making Competency, and Achievement Orientation Competency. The results indicated that the overall mean of practical level was at a high level and the overall mean of the priority level was at the highest level. The results also found that the model of transformational leadership competency development of school administrators in 21st  century consisted of four parts: 1) Introduction, for instance; concepts and fundamental theories of transformational leadership, and purposes, 2) The developmental process, for instance; the developmental method, competencies needed to be developed, and developmental process.         3) The follow up and assessment, for instance; Assessment method, the pre assessment, during process assessment, post assessment and Assessment aspects such as knowledge, skills, and attitude. 4) conditions, for instance; achievement conditions and problematic conditions. The results of review a model of transformational leadership competency development of school administrators in 21st century indicated contextual appropriateness, feasibility, applicability, and theoretical correctness. The patterns were found useful for the organizations to optimize both personal strengths and institutional development.

Key words: Development model, Transformational leadership competency, School administrators in 21st century



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How to Cite

ปัทมาวิไล ส., ประสาน อ., & จงจิตร ศิริจิรกาล ว. (2019). A Model of Transformational Leadership Competency Development of School Administrators in 21st Century. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 9(17), 91–103. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/126872