Sustainable Development Guidelines for Residential Land Use in Rayong City Municipality, Rayong Province


  • นิชาภัทร เพชรแก้ว Kasatsart university
  • เอกรินทร์ อนุกูลยุทธธน มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


Land use, Residence, Residence development, Residential land use, Sustainable development


Studies show rapid urban growths cause changes of residential and job locations. In addition, aggravated housing-supply shortage, slums, public land intrusion are among consequences. The research’s objectives are to 1) to study those causes of change in details, 2) to review previous public plans and policies concerned, and 3) to suggest sustainable guidelines for land and residential developments in the area of the Rayong Municipality. The study was a quantitative research and implemented non-participatory observation. The research tools included geographic information systems (GIS) software for spatial analyses. The research discovers two findings as the followings: 1) the Rayong Municipality’s area as a city center 2) urban growth for near-future residence and workers due to significant impacts of the Eastern Economic Corridor project (EEC) proposed by the Royal Thai government recently. The southeastern quarter of the area should be encouraged to be low-income housing, while the southwestern sector is as tourism-oriented neighborhoods and higher-income housing. Finally, the study yields following two suggestions: public-private partnership for future development and GIS use for effective and efficient planning.


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How to Cite

เพชรแก้ว น., & อนุกูลยุทธธน เ. (2019). Sustainable Development Guidelines for Residential Land Use in Rayong City Municipality, Rayong Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 9(17), 125–134. Retrieved from