The Development of Handmade Media Training Curriculum for Thai Teachers in School The Project of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Island Area, Satun Province


  • ศักรินทร์ ชนประชา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


The Development of Hand-made Media Training Curriculum


The main purposes of this study were to examine 1) Study of school academic work.           2) Efficiency and effectiveness the handmade media training curriculum to efficiency of 80/80 and    3) Follow up of the use of hand-made media  availability to students.

          The target group were 18 thai teachers in the school project of her royal highness princess maha chakri sirindhorn island  area, satun province.

          Research instruments was interview hand-made media training curriculum  for thai teachers in school project of her royal highness princess maha chakri sirindhorn island area satun province with 3 learning units and the score-sheets by the pre-test & post-test results. And the opinion in the instructions for Thai teacher and observation.

          Data were analysis by using various types of statistical techniques,mean ,standard deviation, Index of Congruence, Disciminant index, Difficulty index or Easiness, t-test and reliability.

Research results came out as follows:

          1) management review all aspects of the operation of the agency and the surrounding context is similar. There are not many problems. Teaching problems are similar, for example, teachers lack the expertise to use existing resources to produce instructional materials for island schools. Lack of how to organize a variety of teaching activities. Lack of training, reading,writing and surfing the internet. Problems and needs in teaching Thai language teaching activities are similar. Some teachers do not finish their Thai studies so they lack the skills to teach. Lack of how to organize a variety of teaching activities. Students use dialects of content that are not often found in book, hence must be learned. There is a need for universities to develop their skills in this field or area of simple media production and use. 2) The efficiency and effectiveness of the hand-made media training curriculum was at high level (81/85). And the means scores of the pre-test and post-test results of the handmade media training curriculum  revealed that post-test score was higher than the pre-test score at .05 level of statistical significance. 3) The results of the hand-made media was made available to students. All teacher trainees have produced hands-on and practical materials for students in normal classrooms, and those with poor reading and writing skills in term 2/2560 all 9 school. The development of hand-made media by collaboration with students through remedial teaching. Create an online networking group to coordinate between teachers who are trained to have discussions on the use of teaching materials. Some schools have developed a set of skills training in Thai language, with hand-made materials such as practicing exercises, reading comprehension, reading comprehension and condensing.


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How to Cite

ชนประชา ศ. (2019). The Development of Handmade Media Training Curriculum for Thai Teachers in School The Project of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Island Area, Satun Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 9(17), 155–171. Retrieved from