The Effect of Instructional Management on Students’ Learning Behavior Development by Using Halaqah Activity ,Thairat Wittaya 24 School,Muang District ,Yala Province.


  • อิบรอฮิม หะยีสะมะแอ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


Learning Management using Halaqah activities


The purpose of this research are 1) to develop and find the effectiveness of the learning management plan. By using activities to organize  Halaqah for Thairath Wittaya 24 school students meet the criteria of 80/80. 2) To compare the learning behavior of learners before and after using the Haalaqah  activities, 3) to compare the learning  management results of Thairath Wittaya 24 school  students studying using the Haalaqah activities, before and after class  and 4) to assess students' satisfaction with organizing activities in order to develop learner behavior and personality for Prathom Suksa students in Thairath Wittaya 24 school ,Muang District, Yala Province.

          The target group used in this research , namely Prathom Suksa 1-6, Thairath Wittaya 24 School Students , Muang District, Yala Province, Office of the Primary Educational Service Area 1, Semester 2, Academic Year 2021, 19 people by selecting a sample from the population using a specific randomness method (Purposive Sampling). The research instruments were 1) the learning management plan 2) the learning achievement model (3) the satisfaction test form. The data were collected using a one-group quasi-experimental study. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test (t-dependent)

The results of the research were as follows: 1. The effectiveness of the learning management plan using the Halaqah activities for Thairath Wittaya 24 School  students has a percentage overall equal to 82.66 / 85.83, which is higher than the 80/80 benchmark. Results of  behavior and personality development of learners after holding the Halaqah organizing activity was significantly higher than before organizing the Halaqah event at a statistically significant level of .05. Morover, the research found that the satisfaction level of the students with the activities of organizing the Halaqah to develop the behavior and personality of learners for Thairath Wittaya 24 School  students overall is at a high level with the mean of  4.53

Key words : Learning Management using Halaqah activities


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How to Cite

หะยีสะมะแอ อ. (2021). The Effect of Instructional Management on Students’ Learning Behavior Development by Using Halaqah Activity ,Thairat Wittaya 24 School,Muang District ,Yala Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(22), 261–274. Retrieved from



Research Article