A Development of the Teachers’ Development Model Using the Concept of a Professional Learning Community for Literacy among Students of Inthapanya Municipality School Wat Yai Intharam


  • Naruemon Khlairin โรงเรียนเทศบาลอินทปัญญา วัดใหญ่อินทาราม


The objectives of a research of the improvement of teachers’ professional skills developing concept by using the local knowledges for the literacy of students in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam 1. were to study primary and secondary components of the local knowledges and wisdoms contributing to teachers’ professional skills development 2. were to analyze the current environments and consider favorable conditions which support teacher’s professional skills improvement with the local knowledges applied for the literacy of students in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam 3. were to enhance the concept of teacher’s professional skills development by means of utilizing the local knowledges for the literacy of students in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam 4. were to evaluate the result deriving from teacher’s professional skills developing concept with the local knowledges usage. This research was mixed method with 59 teachers in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam as the sample. Professional skills evaluations and questionnaires were used as the research instrument along with the teacher’s professional skills developing concept self-initiated by researcher. The data were collected and analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and priority needs index (PNI)

The result of this research found that 1. The primary and secondary components of the local knowledges and wisdoms contributing to teachers’ professional skills development for the literacy of students in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam can be divided as 5 primary components and 15 secondary components which were evaluated in the most appropriate level. 2. The current environments which support teacher’s professional skills improvement with the local knowledges applied for the literacy of students in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam was assessed in moderate level while the favorable conditions was evaluated in the highest favorable level. 3. The results of teacher’s professional skills developing concept by means of utilizing the local knowledges consist of 3 secondary components including 1) the learning plans and preparations using the local knowledges for the literacy of students 2) the learning managements with the local knowledges applied for the literacy of students 3) the assessment of the learning management by utilizing the local knowledges for the literacy of students were in the highest level when evaluated in proper, possibility and productivity aspect. 4. The result of applying the local knowledges in teachers’ professional skills developing concept for the literacy of students in Inthapanya Municipal School Wat Yai Intharam found that; 4.1 The overall teachers have the ability in learning management at the highest level. 4.2 The satisfactions toward concepts and guidelines for developing teacher’s professional skills were at the highest level in all perspectives.


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How to Cite

Khlairin, N. (2022). A Development of the Teachers’ Development Model Using the Concept of a Professional Learning Community for Literacy among Students of Inthapanya Municipality School Wat Yai Intharam. HRD Journal, 13(1), 75–93. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRDJ/article/view/260052