The Guidelines Promoting the Saving of Upper-Level Students of Sriracha School who are the Members of the Sriracha School Bank
Saving guidelines, Saving, School bankAbstract
This study aimed to 1) study the saving behaviors of upper-level students of Sriracha School who are the members of the Sriracha School Bank, 2) study the guidelines to promote savings of upper-level students of Sriracha School who are the members of the Sriracha School Bank, and 3) study the appropriateness and feasibility of the saving guidelines of upper-level students of Sriracha School who are the members of the Sriracha School Bank. According to the purposes of the study, the data collection was divided into 3 phases. The first phase was to study the saving behaviors of the 230 upper-level students of Sriracha School (Grades 10-12) selected as participants by using stratified random sampling. The second data collection phase aimed to study the guidelines to promote savings of upper-level students of Sriracha School who are members of the Sriracha School Bank. The data was drawn from 7 participants including the teacher who was responsible for the school bank (the head of the school bank) and the school bank officers. The third phase was to study the appropriateness and feasibility of the saving guidelines. The data collected in this phase was given by 7 participants: the school administrators, the head of academic affairs, the head of the school bank, and the school bank officers. The saving behavior questionnaire, structural interview, and group discussion were employed as the data instruments. Content, frequency, and percentage were used to analyze the collected data.
The finding revealed that 1) the purpose of the savings of upper-level students who were members of the Sriracha School Bank was to save money for buying things. They saved money 1-2 times a week. It was not more than 100 baht that they deposited each time. Most of them used leftover money to deposit in the Sriracha School Bank. 2) There were five saving guidelines including 1) support from the teachers and school administrators, 2) support from Sriracha School Bank officers, 3) support from the parents of students, 4) support from their classmates, and 5) attitude cultivation towards the savings.
3) The 5 saving guidelines for the upper-level students of Sriracha School who were members of the Sriracha School Bank were appropriate and feasible to the real situations.
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