The Mechanisms of Resilient Organizations in the Context of Family Businesses in Thailand

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Chayanoot Pungcharoenpong
Sombat Kusumavalee


This study aimed to explain why organizations are resilient. This qualitative study employed Yin’s (2014) explanatory case study method. The family business in Thailand was used as the context of the study because: 1) family business was found to be more resilient than other types of businesses; and 2) the family business is important to the Thai economy. The findings based on 15 cases of family businesses in Thailand explained that the organizations are resilient due to factors created during three periods. 1) The period before the crisis involving management strategies (i.e. strengthening organizational operations; knowledge acquisition and past experience) and manpower strategies (i.e. tonic virtuousness; feelings of affection and bonds among employees). 2) The period of being aware of a crisis, including the factor of mindfulness (i.e. awareness that the organization may be facing a crisis; awareness of the impact of the crisis; awareness of the real situation with understanding; and awareness of the situation based on knowledge acquisition and experience). 3) The period of crisis management involving the factors of management strategies (i.e. property loss mitigation; communication; organizational support; system improvement; and diversified business), manpower strategies (i.e. collaboration of employees; organizational commitment; phasic virtuousness; attention and assistance to employees; and leadership), and monetary strategies. This study also found that the factors during the period before the crisis helped with support during the period of crisis management and after the crisis, thus contributing to the development of resilient organizations.

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