The Influence of Generational Diversity Management on Organizational Commitment of Generation Y Employees: A Moderated Mediation Model

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Chuchai Smithikrai
Phattranit Chodpiphikul


This study examines the influence of generational diversity management and organizational commitment of generation Y employees. The study also investigates the mediating role of perceived meaningful work and the moderating role of career ambition in the relationship between generational diversity management and organizational commitment. The sample comprised of 400 generation Y employees working in public and private organizations located in Chiang Mai and Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The research instruments consisted of 5 measures and questionnaire. The PROCESS macro was used to analyze the data. The results indicate that generational diversity management positively influenced organizational commitment and perceived meaningful work of generation Y employees. Second, perceived meaningful work mediated the relationship between generational diversity management and organizational commitment. Third, career ambition moderated the relationship between generational diversity management on organizational commitment of generation Y employees.

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