The Moderating Effects of Eustress on the Relationship between Relationship at Work, Perceived Organizational Support, and Employee Job Performance in Life Insurance Service Industry
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The purposes of this research were to study 1) the influence of perceived organizational support as a mediator of the linkage between relationship at work and job performance, and 2) the interactions of eustress and relationship at work influences on perceived organizational support, and the interactions of eustress and perceived organizational support influences on job performance. In quantitative research, questionnaires were sent to 300 life insurance agents who work under life insurance companies through stratified 3-stage sampling scheme. The data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze data quality and performed path analysis through PROCESS routine. The results revealed that perceived organizational support found to be a mediator link between relationship at work and job performance. When eustress interacted with relationship at work, it affects perceived organizational support. However, the interactions of eustress and perceived organizational support had no influences on job performance.
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