The Influence of High-Performance Work Systems on Innovative Work Behavior Among Employees in the Telecommunications Industry in Thailand: Examining the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment
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Innovation is an important factor driving the performance of modern organizations. The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the influence of a high-performance work system (HPWS) on employees’ innovative work behaviors and (2) to study the mediating role of employees’psychological empowerment in the relationship between HPWS and employees’ innovative work behaviors. The sample consists of 311 employees drawn from two large organizations in the telecommunications industry in Thailand. The researcher collected data by using online questionnaires. Data were analyzed using structural equation model (SEM) analysis.It was found that HPWS had a direct influence on employees’ innovative work behaviors and also an indirect influence via the mediating role of psychological empowerment.The findings from this research suggests that organizations should focus on the implementation of HPWS in order to generate positive attitudes and internal motivation among employees towards the promotion of innovative work behavior and a competitive advantages of the organization.
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