Doi Phasom Model: A Holistic Education Through Buddhist Economics, King Rama 9’s Sciences and Sufficiency Economy

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Phar Sangkom Thanapanyo (Khunsiri)


This research aims to (1) study the pattern, method, and process in organizing the Learning Center for the Operation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (LCOSEP) of Wat Phra Borommathat Doi Phasom (WPBDP) Located in Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, (2) propose a human development model for sustainable well-being, and (3) evaluate the success of LCOSEP of WPBDP. This research adopted the mixed analysis of both quantitative and qualitative methods that employed data collection with 129 persons living in the WPBDP community and the LCOSEP’s stakeholder with 14 persons and two monks for in-depth interview. The results of the research revealed that was due to the determination of the monk has built the villagers' faith that confidence and is ready to create an education model for human and social development that used to solve problems with student-centered education with a blend of Buddhist economics, The Late King Rama 9’s Sciences, and the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The evaluation results of the sustainable health PERMA Model were at the highest level in all components, and the CIPPIEST Model was used to evaluate the success of the LCOSEP project that overall indicated a very good level, and which is consistent with the results of the qualitative assessment that everyone gave the highest weight to the happiness they received in their respective status.

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