Essential Work Skills of Thai University Employees During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey and a Suggestion for Future Development

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Siriporn Yamnill
Dhanakorn Mulaphong


This study aims to examine work-related skills that university employees need during the Covid-19 pandemic and provide recommendations for developing university employees’ skills in a post-pandemic world. Using an online survey with a convenient sampling method to gather data from 1,116 Mahidol University’s employees, the author found that the computer skills and the use of advanced computer and technology applications are the most important skills every employee wants to develop. Nevertheless, the author found that there are generational differences between older and younger employees. Specifically, while the baby boomers (born before 1964) and the Gen Xers (born before 1979) still need more IT skills development, the Millennials or Gen Y (born after 1980) and the Gen Zers (born after 1995) prefer having skills related to decision making and problem solving in a crisis. These findings therefore call for reviewing and improving HRD policy and practices, especially (a) customizing the training and development solutions to address the particular orientations of the employees, (b) using advanced technologies, such as virtual human resources development (VHRD) or AI, to improve HRD functions, and (c) developing employees’ social skills and social awareness in a time of crisis.

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