The Influence of Career Management on Organizational Commitment among Hotel Employees in Songkhla Province: Examining the Mediating Role of Career Satisfaction
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This research aims to examine the influence of two types of career management activities, namely (1) organizational career management (OCM) and (2) individual career management (ICM) on hotel employees’ organizational commitment (OC), which comprises three underlying facets including affective commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment. This research also aims to examine the mediating role of career satisfaction (CS). Survey data were collected from a sample of 600 hotel employees in 20 hotels in Songkhla Province. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that OCM had a direct positive influence on affective commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment, while ICM had a direct positive influence only on affective commitment. In addition, both OCM and ICM indirectly influenced the three facets of OC. Thus, while previous research indicates that career management activities may equip employees with marketable skills, in turn leading them to manage themselves out of the organization, the current findings suggest otherwise.
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