Multicultural Leadership of School Administrators in Multicultural Education Management for Early Childhood Education in Southern Thailand Border Provinces

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Titikorn Thongsuksai
Ekkarin Sungtong
Theera Haruthaithanasan
Kanita Nitjarunkul


This qualitative research aims to examine the multicultural leadership of school administrators in multicultural education management for early childhood education in Southern Thailand border provinces. The total number of key informants was 56 including 15 school administrators, 15 teachers, five supervisors, five parents as well as eight experts who joined in connoisseurship and eight scholars from 11 elementary educational service area offices in Southern border provinces who participated in a focus group discussion. All informants were recruited using purposeful selection. Research tools were comprised of semi-structured interview protocols, and record lists of connoisseurship and a focus group discussion. Data were analyzed following the approach of the grounded theory.
This study found that the multicultural leadership of school administrators were classified into seven characteristics: 1) planning for directing educational management according to its contexts and society, 2) possessing multicultural communication skills, 3) possessing community relations skills, 4) building cultural organizations to promote acceptance, understanding, and co-existence in a diverse society, 5) building a climate of co-existence in a diverse society, 6) promoting engagement with other sectors, and 7) being a good role model. In addition, the research also found that the experts and scholars confirmed that the seven characteristics of multicultural leadership were appropriate, significant, and essential for multicultural education management for early childhood education in the area.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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