The Effects of Taxpayer Requirements, Good Governance, and Technology Innovation on the Service Performance of the Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance
Main Article Content
This study aims to study the relationship and effects of taxpayers’ requests, good governance, and technology innovation on customer service effectiveness of the Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance. The samples were 969 units of the revenue offices. They were randomly selected using computer-assisted instruction of the Krejcie and Morgan table and proportioned into 278 units. The stratified random sampling was done with 95% confidence. Among the questionnaires distributed, only 156 completed questionnaires were returned (56.11 percent). Each question’s discrimination, reliability, and correctness were checked before the distribution. The statistical methods used for data analysis included descriptive statistics with mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The findings reveal that taxpayers’ requests, good governance, and technology innovation have a positive effect on customer service effectiveness. This study provides guidelines to for the Revenue Department for concerning friendly services, quick response to taxpayers, and customer prioritization. The Revenue Department could continue providing good governance and promoting promote technology innovation to attain taxpayers’ higher level of satisfaction and customer service effectiveness in the future.
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