A Cluster Analysis of Thai Tourists Influencing Loyalty Towards Northeastern Tourism of Thailand
Main Article Content
This research aims to study 1) the behavior of Thai tourists and 2) to do a cluster analysis of factors influencing Thai tourists to be loyal to Northeastern tourism of Thailand. The sample was 432 Thai tourists visiting the area. Data was collected between December 2018 and February 2019 using questionnaires that were analyzed by descriptive statistics, K-means cluster analysis, and a comparison technique of tourist groups with cross tables.
The results of the research showed that Thai tourists often travel during a long weekend to relax on holidays. The tourists spenttwo days and a night per trip, and spent less than 5,000 THB. They travel with their loved ones, families, children, and grandchildren and used the Internet to get information about their destinations. Behavior analysis classified the tourists into two groups: 1) those who pay more emphasis on money worth spending tourism, and 2) those who pay more emphasis on tourism images. This research concluded that each group of tourists behave differently and have different factors in decision-making. This research is useful for formulating strategies and marketing activities, which are direct and able to meet the needs of specific groups of tourists.
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