Packaging, Logo, and Communication Strategy Planning for Bang-Bor’s Plaslid in Samutprakarn Province
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This study covers objectives as 1) To study the problems, obstacles, and possibilities in creating the Bang-Bor’s Plaslid identity; 2) To develop packaging and logo that represent the Bang-Bor’s Plaslid identity; 3) To develop communication strategy planning and advertising media for the four brands of entrepreneurs, namely Aei-tee, Nongman, Pornthip, and Mae Nittaya. This study employs quality research in four methods which consists of 1) In-depth interviews with a total of 21 people including farmers, Plaslid’s entrepreneurs, food technologists, packaging designers, brand communication specialists, and government representatives; 2) Group interviews with 20 customer representatives; 3) Workshop with 4 brands of entrepreneurs; and 4) Lesson learned activities. The findings indicate that farmers and entrepreneurs lack of relevant knowledge on the Plaslid product identity and appear to ignore its importance. Moreover, they have not enough foundation for standardizing their product and packaging. This study also finds that the physical identity of Plaslid in the market is “the headless Plaslid”, which people recognize. The remarkable features of Bang-Bor’s Plaslid include the dark striped body; tight, sticky, white and clear flesh with fat layers, which add-on to its delicious taste. These features can be promoted as the product identity and imprinted as the logo of each brands. For the Plaslid Dad-Diew’s (sun-dried) packaging, it is recommended that clear plastic vacuum bags be used to show the Plaslid’s meat inside. Another option is a brown bag inner package to absorb oil with an outer zip-lock bag. Packaging for Plaslid Ob-Krob (crispy) should use active packaging or a zip-lock bag to extend its shelf life; otherwise it can be put in a foil bag sealed in nitrogen to reducing rancid smell. For the effective communication strategy, this study recommends the online media as the main channel because of its low cost and high efficiency. Media may include advertorial, infographic, advertising images, and Facebook pages. Importantly, the online media advertising should present each brand’s identity and benefits of the product.
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